I cherish the many roles I play in life… partner, mother, friend, and fellow traveller along life’s path. My life has taught me that rarely is life’s journey without challenge; yet, I have learned to practice appreciation for the opportunity to gain wisdom from struggle.

For almost a decade, I have found the Enneagram to be an invaluable ‘roadmap’ as I have sought to learn more about myself and the ways I can navigate my life’s path. After almost twelve years as an educator in the school system, I sought a new direction. When my heart whispered of new adventures, I pursued training in a spiritually-infused approach to psychological wellness. In addition to my credentials as a Certified Canadian Counsellor, I am a certified Narrative Enneagram Teacher & Practitioner; this blend of training offers a unique, holistic approach to cultivating health and healing.

I cherish my role to “show you around” the Enneagram framework and support you in the ‘making-meaning process’ that arises when we work to integrate insights from the Enneagram with your lived experience. Exploring the Enneagram offers opportunity to gain different perspectives (about yourself and others), compassion for our ‘default’ habits of self-protection, and deeper understanding about how we can learn to focus our energy and attention on specific skill-building and growing our inherent gifts and aptitudes.

Together, we can learn how to navigate the terrain ahead in ways that feel most resonant for you.

As your travel companion, I aspire to be:



I am passionate about creating spaces for individuals to learn, explore, contemplate, and integrate aspects of the human journey that we may otherwise not consider.

I am here to remind you of your magnificent inner-light; the Enneagram reminds each of us of our Divine Essence!

What does it mean to be human?

How do we perceive and invest our time and energy as we walk our path in this world?

What brings us meaning? purpose? fulfillment?

What may thwart our ability to create a vital life?

Creating space to ponder the deeper questions about our human journey

can nurture a personal evolution of vision, passion, & purpose!

I believe we are here to learn from one another;

we were not designed to traverse this path alone.

Human-ing is often made much more manageable & enjoyable

when we are able to embrace the wisdom of fellow travellers.

If the work I offer feels resonant,

please contact me!


is borne of my training, my lived experience, and my desire to inspire a journey through life that is grounded in mindful awareness and holistic wellness.

My graduate training, thesis research on spiritual self-care, and training with The Narrative Enneagram create the foundation of Aspiring Pneuma.

Explore with me.

Contact me to learn more about how you can grow a life fuelled by inspired breath.



Spirituality begins at the crossroads of awe & angst. 

– Sharon Daloz Parks