The Path [Home].


It isn’t easy.

The journey through humanhood takes guts, brains, and a courageous heart.

A vital life is borne of curiosity, creativity, compassion, and collaboration.

Aspiring Pneuma offers space to consider what strategies may empower you to live in a more vital, meaningful way… a life anchored to three main pillars of personal evolution: self-discovery, self-care & self-creation.

ASPIRING refers to one’s desires or ambitions.

PNEUMA is a Greek word for ‘breath’ or ‘spirit’.


This counselling space invites opportunity to tune into and tend to your innate wisdom.


The Path.

Designed for adults, adolescents, and/or couples, this work aims to generate self-awareness and self-empowerment through guided introspection, discernment, and strengths-focused skill development to nurture self-discovery, self-care, and self-creation.



Developed through a Humanistic, Holistic, and Existential psychological lens, this blended psychotherapeutic approach focuses on learning ways to mindfully discern what it means to be uniquely human and how to meaningfully tend to the body, mind, and spirit.


Aspiring Pneuma’s approach to cultivating wellness offers space to explore. “The human experience [offers lessons in] depth, meaning, moral purpose, transcendence, wholeness, intuition, vulnerability, tenderness, courage, the capacity to love, and the apprehension of the animating essence at the core of life- spirit (English), pneuma (Greek), prajna (Sanskrit), ruha (Hebrew), spiritus (Latin)” .

— Sharon Daloz Parks

Learn more about The Work here.